The Bridge Community Food Club
Whilst at the Homeless Wellbeing Event in the Sussex Street Christian Centre yesterday, Eirlys introduced me to the staff at the Food Club. The staff were all lovely and the…
Carers Wales bulletin – May 2023
Director's comment Welcome to the pre-Carers Week e-bulletin from Carers Wales. This edition includes information on Carers Week, Carers UK’s recent Valuing Care report finding…
DVSC Funding Fair 2023
Wednesday 21st June 2023 | 10am - 2pm | The Ask Centre Rhyl Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC) are holding a Funding Fair on Wednesday 21st June, 10am - 2pm at The Ask Centre…
Regional Engagement Team May Newsletter
In this edition, I put forward a case study which is actually quite old now (I think it may have been Cerian's participant from a while back). I included this…
Wales Ambassador Scheme supports Wales Tourism Week
An award-winning online scheme providing people with training and knowledge about the special qualities of areas in Wales is urging more people to get involved and become an Ambassador during…
Launching campaign ‘Healthy Hydration’
Welcome to my campaign for ‘Healthy Hydration’ Water is the most abundant constituent of the human body and regular fluid intake is essential for the body to function optimally. Although…
Opening of Corwen Railway Station
The Llangollen & Corwen Railway’s brand new Corwen station saw its first steam-hauled test train recently. This was to test the water tower and run-round line that will be used…
Delivering Sustainable Tourism for the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB
Dear Colleague, On the 25th April we held a workshop to consider how we can improve the sustainability of tourism within the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley region, attended by…
Get Active
As part of my ‘Get Active’ campaign please promote these free wellbeing walks amongst you colleagues, volunteers and citizens who you are supporting through your project / service. Regards, Nerys…