Joint Working Opportunities Recently met with Laura from We Mind the Gap and agreed that it would be a great opportunity for some of your participants to take part in…
Just from a Head of Service in the Council about their experience of our Work Start Scheme.......... “Someone who’s been on placement with us from WD is finishing this…
Have Your Say on our Corporate Plan 2022 to 2027 Please can you take the time to get involved in the drafting of our new Corporate Plan. Your views, thoughts,…
Working Denbighshire Team Click on the link below for information, advice and guidance on Agile/Hybrid Working. Please ensure that you read the documents and complete the checklists/needs/risk assessments as requested…
You're a home worker if you permanently work from your home or split your working time between the workplace and home (sometimes called hybrid working). What your employer must doYour…
Back on Outlook Due to the Covid pandemic and the move to working from home, the room booking system on Outlook was suspended. Now that people are allowed back into…
TEAM AND ZOOM MEETINGS As hybrid meetings are going to continue moving forward, we are asking staff and councillors to change your Teams/Zoom backgrounds when meeting with external partners/people/businesses etc.…