WRAP Cymru has published a range of online guides on the The Business of Recycling Wales Guidance for all workplaces (wrapcymru.org.uk) for workplaces and waste collectors getting ready for the…
https://mailchi.mp/dvsc/multiply-grants-has-launched?e=37a57c678f Dyddiad Cau: 31 Mawrth 2024 (Canol nos)Closing Date: 31st March 2024 (Midnight) What is Multiply?Multiply, which is part of the wider UK Shared Prosperity Fund, is a £559 million programme…
Haider has requested that this be included: "this is just something I and some of the clients we support observe and I know a lot of staff always show an…
Dear Caledfryn Staff As promised, here is a brief update following last month’s message regarding the proposed closure of Caledfryn to Council staff. Heads of Service will be having one-to-one…
Just a reminder about the purpose of these posters: anybody who is carrying out sessions in the community - whether it be repeated sessions or one offs- are encouraged to…