Congratulations to Cathryn and her partner Alan on the birth of their son, Sullivan Rumi Winstanley! 'Suli' was born on Tuesday 22nd at 12:09pm , weighing 5lbs 4. πΆπΌπΆπΌπΆπΌ
I am looking forward to joining the Working Denbighshire team as Employer Engagement and Training Lead having worked previously as a Case Coordinator and Commercial Lead at RCS Wales. Prior…
Today is Rach's last day before starting her maternity leave. She was joined by several team members for lunch and drinks (non-boozy!) and was presented with her gifts. Rach has…
Hi Everyone, Myself and my brother and sister are doing a charity hike, raising money for Christies, a cancer charity in Manchester. Here is the link to our Just Giving…